
Love and pain

“I love the sound of rain” she said
“It’s music to my ears”
Yet when thunder claps and lightning strikes
She hides; the sound of it she fears

“I love the glow of candle light
The flickering shade it casts”
She puts it on a crystal stand
For the heat, she says, gives her fright

Flowers beneath her window sills
The blooms she likes to see
But the glass stays firmly shut and locked
As there might be a wandering bee

Subtle and soft, sweet and pure
Is all that she is, and fair
But try as she might to tame my soul
And extend her love and care
I refuse to let her close enough
For she thinks I’m all bloom and rain
But inside, I’m thunderstorm and scorching flame
And to me, love is less joy and more of pain

Written by justateenagegirl
